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Connecting Zuora to your ProfitWell account

You can connect your Zuora account to ProfitWell Metrics. It involves creating an API-only user in Zuora, which we can use to ingest your data.

This involves creating an API-only user in Zuora, which we can then use to ingest your data. 

Creating a Zuora API User 

  1. At the top right of your main Zuora dashboard, click Settings, then Administration Settings

  2. Click Manage Users 

  3. In Manage Users, click the Add Single User button at the top right

  4. On the “Add Single User” form, create a new user with the following credentials.
    Insert your company name where you see “company_name”.

    1. Work Email: 
    2. Login Name:
    3. Zuora Platform Role: API User

    Once you've done this, please email and we'll get you set up!