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CSV Upload for Custom Traits

Adding custom traits to ProfitWell via CSV

  1. Head over to Account Settings > Data Settings > Manage My Data
  2. Upload your CSV using the following format:
    1. Your first column must contain your customers' emails or customer ids. Every column after that can be a category of your choosing.
    2. Whatever you input into your column headings will be used to create category names. Once uploaded, these cannot be renamed.
    3. If you wish to merge new data into an existing category, you need to ensure that the category name you upload is identical to the one that already exists.

Depending on your volume of data, your traits should be uploaded in 2-3 hours. All traits and categories are case insensitive. There is a limit of 100 unique traits per category.

Uploading a csv containing any of the following category names will produce an error:

  • Age of Account
  • Age Range
  • Country
  • Location
  • Company Industry
  • Company Size
  • Gender
  • Job Category
  • MRR Quartile
  • Twitter Followers
  • Activity Level

These are all pre-loaded categories that we populate for you.

You can however, upload categories with similar names as the above (i.e., "Location" → "Geography").

You can also hide these pre-loaded categories (in Account Settings > Data Settings > Manage My Data) if they're not useful for you. Hiding categories will remove them from the segmentation drawer (this can be un-done).

What if I don't have complete data for my customers?

We know that often times, you might not have complete data on your customers for custom traits. For example, may be you only started tracking marketing channel a few months ago. There might also be delays between signing on a new customer and assigning it a trait.

To address these situations, ProfitWell will extrapolate your trends across unlabeled customers for you.

Example: Let's say you have Gender data for 20% of your customers and half of those customers are labeled "Female." ProfitWell will extrapolate that information and assume that 50% of your overall customer population is Female.

What if some of my custom traits don't apply to all of my customers?

We recognize that some of your custom traits may not apply to all of your customers and extrapolation doesn't make much sense. For example, you have a segment of customers that are enterprise customers and have dedicated account managers. The bulk of your self-serve customers don't have account managers assigned to them.

In these cases, we recommend assigning an N/A trait to these customers.

If customers are unlabeled, ProfitWell will extrapolate existing data onto those customers.