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Conditionally loading the marketing snippet

When you install the Retain marketing site snippet, we will asynchronously load customer data to determine the user on the site and automatically host that site for the marketing snippet.

However, if you'd like to speed up your page load time a bit more, you can conditionally call the pop up to appear when a user is being directed to the no sign in card update form via their email. You will do this by checking to see if the url you're hosting the marketing snippet has a parameter starting with __pw. If the loaded url contains pw, a user is being directed to the marketing page from Retain, and you will want to call the ProfitWell marketing snippet.

<script id="profitwell-js" data-pw-auth="PUBLIC_API_TOKEN_HERE">
    /* DO NOT DELETE - this code is used to accept our payments or send data to ProfitWell*/

    profitwell('start', {});