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Automated dunning and churn intervention
Reduce customer churn by
25–30%, automagically

Retain uses advanced machine algorithms to keep your customers on your platform.

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Get a closer look at Retain

Book a 30 minute intro with one of our customer retention experts and find out how you can stop bleeding customers without the heavy lift.

  • 30 minutes, no commitment
  • Personalized customer churn discovery
  • Uncover opportunities to increase LTV

Recover failed subscription payments

By evaluating a wide range of data points our Retain picks the optimal moment to retry a failed payment to boost its acceptance rate. Our enhanced retry logic can increase your payment recovery rates by up to 10%.

On top of that, Retain proactively improves customer retention by identifying cards that are about to expire and notifying users before a payment fails.

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Salvage cancelled subscriptions

Every leaving customer gets a custom off-boarding flow and personalized offer to stay.
Save more customers from canceling and generate robust
cancellation insights.

Retain also leverages engagement data to intelligently target customers upgrades to longer term plans, improving customer retention and generating immediate cash flow.

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Retain enables personalized salvage offers for lapsed customers

Cross-channel retention

All payment recovery notifications can be sent via email, in-app or SMS. Set it up once and we’ll send out personalized, white-labeled messages to the right users.

Term optimization & subscription recovery

Retain analyzes dozens of data points to target customers with the optimal offer. Automatically suggest upgrades to your regular users and provide salvage offers when customers go to cancel.

Stop bleeding customers in 30 minutes

Retain slots into your existing Billing stack without the need for any heavy lifting. Simply adjust your brand settings and install our code snippet and you can start reducing your customer churn immediately.

Full data & regulatory compliance

Retain is fully compliant with latest security and privacy regulations around the world.