Your default currency is the currency in which you accrue your earnings with Paddle; often referred to as your account balance.
We currently support balances in the following currencies: USD, GBP, EUR, AUD and CAD. We recommend selecting the same balance currency to which your bank account is held where possible.
Changing your default currency
You can change your default currency at any time by visiting the Business Account > Balance Currency (Paddle Classic) or Currencies (Paddle Billing) page in your Paddle dashboard.
If you have an existing balance with Paddle, the change will not take effect until your next payout.
When changing your balance currency, please take the below into consideration
If you have a payout in-progress and you want that to be paid to a new payment method:
Please update the payment method before updating the balance currency. Please bear in mind that SWIFT fees will be applied if the balance currency is different to the payout currency.
If you have a payout in-progress and you want that to be paid to the old payment method or you do not have a payout in-progress
You can change your balance currency at any time, however, it will only change after the next payout. Please bear in mind that the balance currency will only change after the next payout and SWIFT fees will be applied if the balance currency is different to the payout currency.
Does my default currency affect my customers / the currencies in which they’re able to pay?
No. No matter what currency is your default, customers will be able to pay in any currency you’ve chosen to support when setting up your products.
The customer will pay in the currency of their choice, this currency and the total amount paid are listed on the order details page. At the time of sale, your earnings from the purchase are converted into your default currency, and credited to your account balance.
The amount credited and its value in your default currency are listed on your order details page.