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What are Credit Notes and how do I issue them?

This article refers to Credit Notes in Paddle Billing. Click here to learn more about how to create a Credit Note.

 Paddle Billing will send a credit note to your customers when a refund is issued or a credit adjustment is made to an invoice. Find answers to commonly asked questions about Credit Notes. 

When will credit notes be created?

Credit Notes will be created for approved adjustments in Paddle Billing. This will include refunds for paid invoices and credit adjustments generated for unpaid invoices.

How can my customer access credit notes?

For approved refunds, a credit note PDF will be attached to the refund receipt sent to your customers.

For credit adjustments made to an unpaid invoice, the credit note PDF will be attached to the updated invoice email that is sent to your customer.

How can I access credit notes?

Once a refund is approved, you can see the refund details in your dashboard, linked to the transaction. You can also access and download the credit note from the details card.

For credit adjustments on unpaid invoices, the details are shown with the transaction. You can access and download the credit note from the details card.

Will credit notes be generated for chargebacks?

No, Paddle Billing will not generate credit notes for refunds that are automatically issued as part of a chargeback.

Will credit notes be generated for tax refunds?

Yes, when a tax refund is approved, Paddle Billing will generate a credit note and send it to your customer. You can also find it in your dashboard, within the transaction. 

Can I access the credit note through the API?

Yes, you can get a PDF of the credit note through our API. Check out our Dev Docs for more information. 

Will the same tax rates be shown on the credit note as the invoice it is crediting?

Yes. All credit notes will be generated from adjustments to previous transactions. This means the tax rates used for the original transaction will be the same tax rates used on the credit note.