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Getting to Know the Disputes Report

This article refers to the Disputes Report in Paddle Classic. Click here for Paddle Billing reports.

What is the Disputes Report?

The Disputes Report is a comprehensive resource that encapsulates all disputes or chargebacks linked with your account. This report helps you keep a tab on the disputes related to transactions handled through your Paddle account.

What filters are available to streamline the data in the Disputes Report?

To provide you with specific data, the report can be filtered using the following parameters:

  1. Product: Allows you to view disputes related to specific products.
  2. Paddle Issued Licence: Enables you to filter the report based on whether Paddle generated the license or not.
  3. Licence Active: Lets you filter the results based on the active or inactive status of the license.

What details are included in the Disputes Report?

The report encompasses a range of details, including:

  • Dispute ID: A distinct number assigned to each dispute.
  • Dispute Status: The present state of the dispute, either open or closed.
  • Order ID: A unique number produced when an order is processed.
  • Order Type: The category of the order, such as subscriptions or single products.
  • Product ID: A unique number created for each product in the catalog.
  • Product Name: The assigned name of a product in the catalog.
  • Customer Email: The email address of the buyer associated with the order.
  • Dispute Amount: The monetary value under dispute for the order.
  • Dispute Fee: The fee charged by the bank concerning the dispute.
  • Dispute Currency: The ISO code representing the currency involved in the dispute.
  • Balance Change: Calculated as Dispute Amount minus Dispute Fee. It may have a second entry equalling zero in closed disputes.
  • Balance Currency: The ISO code for the currency of your Paddle account balance at the time of transaction.
  • Source: The origin point of the transaction.
  • Paddle Issued License: Indicates whether the license was issued by Paddle (true/false).
  • Paddle License ID: The internal ID of the license, if created by Paddle.
  • Paddle License Active: The current status of the Paddle license, either active or inactive.
  • Order Date: The date the transaction took place.
  • Dispute Date: The date when the dispute was initiated.

Are there any vital notes to consider about the Disputes Report?

Absolutely, here are some critical notes:

  • An "open" dispute status signifies an ongoing chargeback awaiting a final decision from the bank/payments processor.
  • A "closed" status indicates a successful dispute resolution in your favour, with the dispute fee and deducted earnings reversed back into your Paddle account.
  • The report only showcases open disputes and disputes won in your favour, excluding PayPal disputes.
  • The status remains 'open' even for disputes resolved not in your favour.