
How Shopify changed commerce

We look at Shopify's beginnings and the catalyst that turned them into an e-commerce empire.

Selling an item is relatively easy. Whether it’s old clothing, a bicycle, or even baked goods, someone is usually looking for it. You don’t have to have an established relationship with them, these can be folks you’ve never met. Sure, you may not make mountains of profit, but in little to no time I’m sure you can hock your old stuff.

But, what do you do if your ambitions are larger than bake sales and junk removal? What if you want to start an actual business? You could open a brick and mortar, but then you’ve got property to manage and a lot more overhead costs. You can use websites like eBay or craigslist but it’s hard to rely on repeat customers when your items are stacked up against others on the same page. What you need is an ecommerce solution.

WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento — these companies are among a stacked lineup of business solutions that help you run your own online store. Online retail sales are expected to reach over six trillion dollars by 2023. But back in the early 2000s, one company — unbeknownst at the time — paved the way.

Today, Shopify has a market cap of over $30 billion, dwarfing the competition, but founders Tobias Lütke and Scott Lake had no intentions of transforming the entire ecommerce industry. The results of what they found provide valuable insight into anyone running their own SaaS business.

But first, if you like this kind of content and want to learn more, subscribe to get in the know when we release new episodes.

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Lessons from the Top

Shopify has forever changed the world of commerce and has made many entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Thanks to Shopify it has never been easier to start your own online business.

Born out of the necessities that came with launching their own online store, Tobias Lütke and Scott Lake created the ecommerce platform from the firsthand point of view of the customer. Today, they continue developing, growing, and expanding successfully. The secret? Their commitment to the success of their customers.

Make it all about the customer

You've likely heard someone say or read somewhere that in order for your business to grow and succeed you need to listen to your customers. Shopify, however, exemplifies just how true this is.

Its success stems from centering the entire company around what’s known as a mission metric. At Shopify everything revolves around its customers.

  • The platform's ease of use, built-in aesthetics and scalability
  • Integrations and acquisitions
  • Easy-to-use point of sale systems
  • The ability to sell on Amazon

Everything from the design of the store templates to its pricing structure, and everything in between, is created in a way to help its users scale and gain more customers. Every development, feature, and integration has been in the best interest of Shopify's users.

Aligning business goals with customer needs allows you to develop and deliver the right value, in turn, fostering trust and building long-term relationships, all of which are crucial if you want to stay in business.


Let’s set the stage for the ecommerce world. To start, when we talk about ecommerce, we’re talking about the activity of electronically buying or selling products, or online services, over the internet. But commerce existed well before broadband and dial-up.

Starting with mail-order shopping, traveling businessmen in the mid-to-late 1800s began sharing their product catalogs wherever they went. The post office introduced rural free delivery in 1896, which set the American economy up for mail-order delivery. People could more comfortably live farther apart while still enjoying the fruits of their region's economy.

Mail-order delivery got another boost when phone lines became accessible to millions of people. This enabled faster ordering and in some cases you could even get next-day delivery (well before Amazon Prime). But it wasn’t until the 1980s, that eCommerce started to percolate.

The phone-line-powered Minitel system made it possible to virtually bring products into millions of people's homes. A precursor to the internet, Minitel enabled online orders to be placed via electronic messages sent via modem, but with only several million users (mostly in France), it was still quite limited in scope. It wouldn’t be until after the World Wide Web went public in 1991, that the first internet-based ecommerce businesses emerged.

Three years later, in 1994, Amazon rose to prominence. It began as an online marketplace for books, but quickly expanded to become “The Everything Store.” They saw growth by enabling customer reviews, which added a highly social element to its purchase process. Folks found it easier to trust someone who had already bought the product.

Amazon simply dominated the online retail space. And by 2018, it became only the second (after Apple) public company in the world to be valued at one trillion dollars.

But while it helps that Amazon was one of the first of its kind on the market, there’s a certain subset of customers it doesn’t quite work for — folks who wanted to start their own ecommerce site. Back in the early 2000s, two programmers would show us why.

Early Leaders

Tobias Lütke and Scott Lake were burnt out and just wanted to focus on something they were passionate about: snowboarding. While neither had the talents of going pro or the ambitions of working at a ski resort, they found a different way to follow their dreams — an online snowboard store.

They dubbed it “Snowdevil”, a platform where they would use third parties to sell snowboards. But, Amazon wasn’t quite going to cut it. Lütke and Lake weren’t looking to hock old equipment put up against other competitors in the same window, they wanted to start a brand that people enjoyed using and trusted.

Website tools at the time, like Yahoo, Miva, and OsCommerce weren’t going to cut it either as they were too basic and restrictive. Tobias said, “The final straw was when I got a custom design made for my snowboard store and I couldn’t get it to work in Yahoo stores…” “…the customizability of Yahoo Stores barely allowed me to change the background color of the top frame!” Quickly, Lütke and Lake realized that they would have to build their store from scratch.


Once launched in 2004, Snowdevil was humming along. But something interesting was happening. The Ruby on Rails community, which was the framework that Snowdevil was built on, was much more interested in how they built the website than what the website offered. Sites like Amazon could function for the one-off sellers, but what Lütke and Lake were able to capitalize on was the desire of folks to start their own ecommerce business. By creating a subscription service, they were able to form a relationship with this demographic that would provide support and tools for them to thrive.

In 2006, along with Daniel Weinand, Lütke and Lake launched Shopify: a website designed to help merchants build their own websites. The site saw gradual growth, doing around $8,000 in sales per month. But real profitability came with a change to their subscription model. Before the change, Shopify’s billing was based on a flat rate system where, in addition to their monthly fee, every customer would pay the same percentage of every transaction. The change they made in 2007 resulted in the pricing philosophy we see today which ends up charging customers who are on higher tiers less than those on lower tiers. In other words, the more you sell, the less you pay. For more on Shopify’s pricing, check out our episode of Pricing Page Teardown on the matter.

But what were some of the other reasons Shopify found success?

Reasons for success

User-friendliness is what Lütke and Lake wanted most. And rather than treat aesthetics and ease of use as luxuries, Shopify created a SaaS product that was innately faster, smoother, and more attractive than the other options. It’s designed to help you very easily build your online store and get it up and running fast by making powerful sales tools easy to use and accessible to everyone.

But Shopify’s success doesn’t stem only from the ease of use. It stems from centering the entire company around what’s known as a mission metric. At Shopify everything revolves around its customers — building their brands, increasing their sales and revenue, etc. Everything from the design of the store templates to its pricing structure, work to boost the GMV, or gross merchandise value, of their customers. When Shopify’s customers make money, it makes money.

Furthermore, and sticking to its customer-centric mission, Shopify’s integration with social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat helped Shopify's users connect with customers extremely quickly, which vastly improved customer-merchant relationships for all of its partners in one fell swoop. Now, Shopify is similarly leveraging social media relationships to facilitate digital-wallet purchases, which allows its subscribers to enjoy more streamlined purchases straight through their social media profiles.

Additionally, Shopify is helping businesses even offline. Its extremely easy-to-use point-of-sale (POS) system makes it so folks running a Shopify web store can expand into the real world once they have established business. Alternatively, it makes starting a brick-and-mortar business that much easier. We found, in a ProfitWell study, that in-person customer contact with a brand can boost willingness to pay between nine and 32%. It can also boost your expansion revenue by at least 10% and can climb to 30% for folks who have had multiple contact points. For more on this, you can check out this episode of the ProfitWell report.



Ultimately, Shopify’s example shows the importance of aligning business goals with customer needs. While its customers are not in subscription or SaaS, they provide a valuable case-study on which you can learn from to build your SaaS business. Shopify is offering customers exactly what Lütke and Lake needed when they were running an ecommerce business. By providing continual services, updates, and developing tools, Shopify is able to capitalize on this trustworthy relationship.

While one can still sell individual items on eBay or Amazon, Shopify has enabled anyone to create an ecommerce business on a whim. They’ve even partnered with Amazon to enable Shopify users to sell on Amazon, allowing customers to tap into this sales channel quite seamlessly.

Shopify has become a massive player in the SaaS and ecommerce space by making acquisitions left and right and continually updating its core offering. They may not be infallible, but hopefully you can take away learnings from the full spectrum of Shopify’s existence. What topic do you think we could go deeper on? Let me know in the comments down below.

If you like this kind of content and want to learn more, subscribe to get in the know when we release new episodes.

Unique SaaS Stories Sent to Your Inbox - Subscribe to Paddle Studios


00:00:00,041 --> 00:00:01,876

Mini Amazon's Shopify.


00:00:01,876 --> 00:00:04,337

Shopify is the world's retail

operating system.


00:00:04,337 --> 00:00:08,466

Shopify selling an item

is relatively straightforward,


00:00:08,800 --> 00:00:12,429

whether it's old clothing,

a bicycle or even baked goods.


00:00:12,762 --> 00:00:14,931

Someone is usually looking for something.


00:00:15,348 --> 00:00:17,517

You don't have to have

an established relationship with them.


00:00:17,517 --> 00:00:19,602

These can be folks that you've never met


00:00:19,602 --> 00:00:23,231

but what do you do if your ambitions are

larger than bake sales and junk removal?


00:00:23,606 --> 00:00:25,900

What if you want to start

an actual business?


00:00:26,359 --> 00:00:29,320

You could open a brick and mortar,

but then you've got property to manage


00:00:29,320 --> 00:00:31,281

and a lot more overhead.


00:00:31,281 --> 00:00:32,240

You can use websites


00:00:32,240 --> 00:00:35,910

like eBay or Craigslist,

but it's hard to rely on repeat customers


00:00:36,119 --> 00:00:39,539

when your items are stacked

up against others on the same page.


00:00:39,831 --> 00:00:42,417

What you need is an e-commerce solution,


00:00:42,667 --> 00:00:45,628

and whether it's WooCommerce,

BigCommerce, Magento.


00:00:45,837 --> 00:00:49,466

These companies are among a stacked lineup

of business solutions that can help


00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:51,676

you run your own online store.


00:00:51,676 --> 00:00:55,930

Online retail sales are expected

to reach over $6 trillion by 2023.


00:00:56,097 --> 00:01:01,436

But back in the early 2001 company,

unbeknownst at the time, paved the way.


00:01:01,478 --> 00:01:06,733

Today Shopify has a market cap of over

$30 billion, dwarfing the competition.


00:01:07,150 --> 00:01:10,862

But founders Tobias Lutz and Scott

Lake had no intentions of transforming


00:01:10,862 --> 00:01:12,655

the entire e-commerce industry.


00:01:12,655 --> 00:01:14,699

I think Shopify is a great idea.


00:01:14,699 --> 00:01:16,117

There is also what they found, though,


00:01:16,117 --> 00:01:19,746

provide valuable insight for anyone

running their own SaaS business.


00:01:19,913 --> 00:01:22,665

We'll talk through all of that

and more coming up next.


00:01:23,208 --> 00:01:25,752

I'm Ben Hillman and this is Verticals


00:01:29,506 --> 00:01:30,048

So let's set the


00:01:30,048 --> 00:01:33,885

stage for the e-commerce world to start

when we talk about e-commerce.


00:01:33,885 --> 00:01:36,888

We're talking about the activity

of electronically buying or selling


00:01:36,888 --> 00:01:39,432


or online services over the Internet.


00:01:39,891 --> 00:01:43,061

But commerce existed

well before broadband and dial up.


00:01:43,061 --> 00:01:45,730

It started to get interesting

around 200 years ago,


00:01:46,022 --> 00:01:49,359

starting with mail order shopping

traveling businessmen in the mid to late


00:01:49,359 --> 00:01:53,113

1800s began sharing their product catalogs

wherever they went


00:01:53,113 --> 00:01:58,785

to help the consumer by the post office

introduce rural free delivery in 1896


00:01:59,035 --> 00:02:01,871

which set the American economy

up for mail order delivery.


00:02:01,913 --> 00:02:05,917

Mail order delivery got another boost

when phone lines became accessible


00:02:05,917 --> 00:02:09,129

to millions of people

This enabled faster ordering


00:02:09,129 --> 00:02:11,881

and in some cases

you could even get next day delivery.


00:02:12,090 --> 00:02:14,050

This was well before Amazon Prime,


00:02:14,050 --> 00:02:17,762

but it wasn't until the 1980s

that e-commerce started to percolate.


00:02:18,179 --> 00:02:20,849

Phone line powered mini health systems

made it possible


00:02:20,849 --> 00:02:23,810

to virtually bring products

into millions of people's homes,


00:02:24,310 --> 00:02:26,813

a precursor to the internet made

until it enabled


00:02:26,855 --> 00:02:30,692

online orders to be placed

by electronic messages sent by a modem.


00:02:30,692 --> 00:02:33,820

But with only several million users

and mostly in France,


00:02:34,112 --> 00:02:35,947

it was still quite limited in scope.


00:02:35,947 --> 00:02:38,491

In 1994, Amazon rose to prominence.


00:02:38,616 --> 00:02:39,826

It began as an online


00:02:39,826 --> 00:02:43,621

marketplace for books but quickly

expanded to become the Everything store.


00:02:43,788 --> 00:02:46,791

And this is the Kitty Hawk

states of electronic covers.


00:02:46,791 --> 00:02:49,419

Amazon simply dominated

the online retail space.


00:02:49,711 --> 00:02:53,756

By 2018 it became only the second

public company in the world


00:02:53,923 --> 00:02:57,760

to be valued at $1 trillion

But while it helps that Amazon


00:02:57,760 --> 00:02:59,762

was one of the first of its

kind on the market,


00:02:59,971 --> 00:03:03,808

there's a certain subset of customers

that it doesn't quite work for folks


00:03:03,808 --> 00:03:05,018

who wanted to start their own


00:03:05,018 --> 00:03:09,105

e-commerce sites back in the early 2000

to programmers would show us why.


00:03:10,273 --> 00:03:11,149

Tobias let's go.


00:03:11,149 --> 00:03:12,525

And Scott Lake were burnt out


00:03:12,525 --> 00:03:15,403

and just wanted to focus on something

that they were passionate about.


00:03:15,945 --> 00:03:17,906

So they settled on snowboarding.


00:03:17,906 --> 00:03:20,617

While neither had the talents of going pro

or the ambitions


00:03:20,617 --> 00:03:22,035

of working at a ski resort.


00:03:22,035 --> 00:03:26,539

They found a different way to follow

their dreams and online snowboard store.


00:03:26,831 --> 00:03:28,917

They dubbed it Snow Devil,


00:03:28,917 --> 00:03:32,170

and it was a platform where they would use

third parties to sell snowboards.


00:03:32,503 --> 00:03:37,467

But Amazon wasn't quite going to cut it

but Kinloch weren't looking to hock


00:03:37,467 --> 00:03:41,054

all the equipment or put it up against

other competitors in the same window.


00:03:41,554 --> 00:03:44,098

They wanted to start a brand

that people enjoyed using


00:03:44,265 --> 00:03:47,143

and trusted

website tools at the time, like Yahoo!


00:03:47,143 --> 00:03:48,519

Mikva and O.C.


00:03:48,519 --> 00:03:49,938

Commerce weren't going to cut it


00:03:49,938 --> 00:03:52,774

either, as they were too basic and too



00:03:52,815 --> 00:03:56,527

Tobias said the final straw

was when I got a custom design


00:03:56,527 --> 00:04:00,365

made for my snowboard store and I couldn't

get it to work in Yahoo stores.


00:04:00,406 --> 00:04:04,494

The customizability of Yahoo stores

barely allowed me to change the background


00:04:04,494 --> 00:04:05,954

color of the top frame,


00:04:05,954 --> 00:04:07,372

looking like quickly realized


00:04:07,372 --> 00:04:09,457

that they would have to build their store

from scratch.


00:04:10,208 --> 00:04:13,336

Once launched in 2004,

Snow Devil was humming along.


00:04:13,628 --> 00:04:15,838

But something interesting was happening.


00:04:15,838 --> 00:04:18,466

The Ruby on Rails community,

which was the framework


00:04:18,466 --> 00:04:21,761

that Snow Devil was built

upon, was much more interested in


00:04:21,761 --> 00:04:26,057

how they built the website than what

the website offered Sites like Amazon


00:04:26,057 --> 00:04:27,850

could function for the one off sellers,


00:04:27,850 --> 00:04:32,063

but what Luke and Lake were able to

capitalize on was the desire of folks


00:04:32,063 --> 00:04:35,984

to start their own e-commerce business

by creating a subscription service,


00:04:36,067 --> 00:04:39,529

looking like we're able to form

a relationship with this demographic


00:04:39,779 --> 00:04:43,533

which would help them provide support

and tools for them to thrive in.


00:04:43,533 --> 00:04:47,370

2006 along with Daniel

Wein and Lucky in Lake on Shopify,


00:04:47,412 --> 00:04:50,415

a website designed to help merchants

build their own websites.


00:04:50,915 --> 00:04:55,712

The site saw gradual growth showing around

$8,000 in sales per month, but


00:04:55,712 --> 00:04:59,882

real profitability came with a change

to their subscription model for the chain.


00:04:59,924 --> 00:05:02,343


billing was based on a flat rate system.


00:05:02,468 --> 00:05:05,972

Every customer would pay

the same percentage of every transaction.


00:05:06,556 --> 00:05:09,851

The change they made in 2007

resulted in the pricing philosophy


00:05:09,851 --> 00:05:12,854

we see today, which ends up

charging customers who on higher


00:05:12,854 --> 00:05:16,190


less per transaction than on lower tiers.


00:05:16,357 --> 00:05:18,818

You don't want to put too many steps

into the process.


00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:23,406

In other words, the more you sell,

the less you pay for more.


00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:26,326

In Shopify, pricing,

check out our own episode on pricing page.


00:05:26,326 --> 00:05:27,493

Tear down on the matter.


00:05:27,493 --> 00:05:30,872

But what were some of the other reasons

that Shopify found success?


00:05:32,206 --> 00:05:35,501

User friendliness is what Ludgate

and Lake wanted most,


00:05:35,501 --> 00:05:39,047

but Shopify success doesn't stem

only from ease of use.


00:05:39,255 --> 00:05:42,342

It also stems from centering

the entire company around


00:05:42,342 --> 00:05:45,553

what is known as a mission

metric at Shopify.


00:05:45,553 --> 00:05:47,847

Everything revolves around its customers


00:05:48,014 --> 00:05:50,600

building their brands,

increasing their sales and revenue,


00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:54,520

everything from the design of the store

templates to its pricing structure.


00:05:54,729 --> 00:05:59,067

Work to boost

GMV or gross merchandise value.


00:05:59,692 --> 00:06:03,863

When Shopify as customers make money,

Shopify makes money furthermore,


00:06:03,863 --> 00:06:07,325

and sticking to its customer

centric mission, Shopify has integration


00:06:07,325 --> 00:06:11,537

with social media giants

like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat helps


00:06:11,537 --> 00:06:16,042

Shopify as users connect with customers

extremely quickly, which vastly


00:06:16,042 --> 00:06:20,380

improved customer merchant relationships

for all of its partners in one fell swoop.


00:06:20,463 --> 00:06:24,675

Now, Shopify is similarly leveraging

social media relationships to facilitate


00:06:24,675 --> 00:06:28,679

digital wallet purchases,

which allows its subscribers to enjoy more


00:06:28,679 --> 00:06:31,849

streamlined purchases straight

through their social media profiles.


00:06:31,891 --> 00:06:35,144

Additionally, Shopify

is helping businesses even offline.


00:06:35,436 --> 00:06:36,938

It's extremely easy to use.


00:06:36,938 --> 00:06:40,358

Point of sale system makes it

so folks running a Shopify web store


00:06:40,608 --> 00:06:44,278

can expand into the real world

once they have an established business.


00:06:44,362 --> 00:06:48,324

Or alternatively, it makes starting

from brick and mortar that much easier.


00:06:48,533 --> 00:06:51,953

We found in a profile study

that in-person customer contact


00:06:51,953 --> 00:06:55,998

with a brand can boost willingness

to pay between nine and 32%.


00:06:56,332 --> 00:06:59,377

It can also boost your expansion revenue

by at least 10%


00:06:59,377 --> 00:07:02,922

and can climb to 30% for folks

who have had multiple contact points.


00:07:03,464 --> 00:07:06,884

For more on this, you can check out this

episode of The Wall Report.


00:07:07,635 --> 00:07:11,931

Ultimately, Shopify as examples shows

the importance of aligning business goals


00:07:11,931 --> 00:07:16,436

with customer needs while their customers

are not all in subscription or SaaS.


00:07:16,602 --> 00:07:18,312

They can provide a valuable case study


00:07:18,312 --> 00:07:21,023

on which you can learn from building

your own SaaS business.


00:07:21,482 --> 00:07:24,110

Shopify is offering customers

exactly what Luke


00:07:24,110 --> 00:07:27,155

and Lake needed when they were running

an e-commerce business themselves


00:07:27,572 --> 00:07:30,783

by providing continual service

updates and developing tools


00:07:31,033 --> 00:07:34,662

Shopify is able to capitalize

on this trustworthy relationship,


00:07:34,954 --> 00:07:38,291

while one can still sell

individual items on eBay or Amazon.


00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:41,878

Shopify isn't able to anyone to create

an e-commerce business on a whim.


00:07:42,044 --> 00:07:45,756

They've even partnered with Amazon

to enable Shopify users to sell on Amazon,


00:07:46,048 --> 00:07:49,760

allowing customers to tap into the sales

channel quite seamlessly.


00:07:49,844 --> 00:07:53,139

Shopify has become a massive player

in the SaaSs and e-commerce space


00:07:53,306 --> 00:07:57,393

by making acquisitions left and right and

continually updating its core offering.


00:07:57,435 --> 00:08:00,813

They may not be infallible,

but hopefully you can take away learnings


00:08:00,813 --> 00:08:03,316

from the full spectrum of Shopify



00:08:03,316 --> 00:08:05,234

What topic do you think we could go

deeper on?


00:08:05,234 --> 00:08:06,694

Let me know in the comments down below.


00:08:06,694 --> 00:08:08,529

From Paddle, I'm Ben Hellman.


00:08:09,489 --> 00:08:11,991

I think I'm

going to open up a snowboard store in the