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Uprooting legacy pricing

Expert advice to manage tough pricing conversations with your customers, drive transformation, and uplift revenue.

1 hour

Originally streamed Jun 20, 2024

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What's this session about:

Join the Price Intelligently by Paddle team to understand how to navigate a legacy pricing migration. Get expert insights for executing pricing changes to both existing customers on outdated plans as well as net new business entering your funnel for the first time.

We’ll explore implementation strategies and tactics, as well as potential pitfalls to avoid. We’ll also share real-world examples of successful and not-so-successful rollouts too.

In this webinar, we'll discuss:

  • When to move customers away from legacy pricing
  • How to manage a legacy pricing migration to maximise revenue while minimizing churn risks
  • How to manage internal and external stakeholders
  • Real-world examples of pricing changes 
  • Potential risks you should be aware of

Got any questions about price changes? Send us a question after you’ve registered and we’ll make sure to cover it in the webinar.

Pat Doran

Head of Revenue, Pricing Intelligently by Paddle

Eric Miller

Senior Pricing Strategist, Pricing Intelligently by Paddle