Paddle Billing offers customers flexible, multi-product subscriptions, allowing customers to maximise revenue potential. There is no such thing as three core subscription plans anymore, buyers expect more value from their products and want to pay for what they need. Paddle Billing empowers SaaS businesses by providing flexible, multi-product subscriptions enabling them to sell more complex product offerings, for example, multiple product, multi-seat plans with add-ons.
Paddle Billing also features brand new APIs that are built to modern standards and are designed to be simple to use. The APIs have been built to empower our customers, and the API returns are thorough and helpful to outline causes and solutions. This is backed by comprehensive API documentation for a seamless developer experience. You can also attach custom data to every entity within Paddle to keep track of data that matters to you, whether that's on a customer, a subscription or an invoice.
With Paddle Billing, you’re also be able to streamline billing operations with a single source of truth, optimize payment collection with automated dunning, and internationalise quicker by offloading global tax compliance.